シービージャパン CBjapan


CB Japan wants to help make the lives of all our customers more enjoyable, convenient and affluent with our products and services, wants to be a company that is proud to have the products used by valued customers with confidence, wants to continue to be a company that is proud of ourself, works hard to contribute to society and is proud to be a company that anyone can be proud of.
We want to contribute to the happiness of everyone involved, we want to be an indispensable part of the world, and we are a company where all employees wish and continue to strive to be such a company.


  1. 惣太窯 Soutakama

  2. マルヒロ Maruhiro

  3. Woodpecker

  4. 柳瀬窯元 Yanasekamamoto

  5. モリサ Morisa

  6. ナカヤ化学 Nakaya-kagaku
